IC Scholar Program Eligibility and Requirements

The Great Plains National Security Education Consortium (GP NSEC) helps prepare and diversify the next-generation intelligence community workforce by providing rich academic, research, cultural immersion, and outreach activities focused on national security-related topics to talented students from a variety of backgrounds.

We require a minimum two-year commitment to the program.  We encourage undergraduate freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and graduate students to apply for the Intelligence Community (IC) Scholar program. Undergraduate seniors planning to attend graduate school at one of the Consortium Universities (UNL, Creighton, UNO or Bellevue University) can also apply.

GP NSEC Scholar Requirements

1. Enrolled full-time in a degree-seeking program at one of the consortium institutions: Bellevue University, Creighton University, University of Nebraska-Lincoln or University of Nebraska-Omaha
2. Interested in pursuing a career in the US Intelligence Community
3. Have a minimum 3.0 GPA
4. Be a US Citizen

The program is open to all majors, but academic experiences, skills and competencies that are directly relevant to Intelligence Community will be considered heavily in the selection process. 

IC Scholar Requirements

The following list details the requirements of the IC Scholar Program. Many of the requirements are intentionally vague to allow the Scholar flexibility in planning their ideal program.

IC Scholars will:

  • Maintain 3.5 GPA in NS-related courses; 3.0 GPA cumulative GPA overall
  • Apply to 5 IC-related internships per academic year
  • Actively participate in GPNSEC and IC CAE events

Non-STEM students complete all three:

  • Study abroad in a non-English speaking country for at least six weeks
  • Speak a foreign language (level 300 by graduation)
  • Participate in at least one Research Team during collegiate career

STEM students must complete at least one:

  • Study abroad in a non-English speaking country for at least six weeks
  • Speak a foreign language (level 300 by graduation)
  • Participate in at least one Research Team during collegiate career
  • Perform an IC-relevant UCARE or similar faculty-mentored research project